Hi! This is Daniel! I am a research scientist at Amazon's Alexa AI. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at University of Notre Dame under the supervision of Prof. Dong Wang. I got my master's degree in Information Security from Purdue University and I attained my bachelor's degree in Information Security Engineering from SJTU. I have previously worked as a full-time Systems Engineer at Carfax, Inc.
My research area lies in the intersection of machine learning/artificial intelligence, edge computing, and human-in-the-loop systems. My research topics include:
I have published 50+ peer-reviewed conference/journal papers, including 20+ first-authored ones. These papers were published in both top machine learning and top systems venues such as AAAI, RTSS, INFOCOM, ICDCS, RTAS, SEC, IoTDI, KBS, BigData, ASONAM, etc. My H-Index is 13. [CV] [Google Scholar] [Project Highlights]
I am the recipient of two of the most prestigious awards - Outstanding Graduate Research Award and Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award at the University of Notre Dame. I was offered IBM Social Good Fellowship in 2020.
NEWS - My PhD advisor Dr. Wang, director of Social Sensing lab, is actively recruiting phd students for 2021. Please see [Recruitment Flyer] and reach out!
Full publication list is available here.